SSD Hard Drives

SSD Hard Drives, also known as solid state drives, are similar to a memory stick. Instead of moving parts, the information is stored in microchips. When compared to a hard disk drive, the SSD moves so much faster. Whether you use a laptop or desktop, the SSD Hard...


Many people wonder what Dropbox is and what it can do for them. Dropbox is considered a home for all of your files, photos, videos and docs. Once you add something to the Dropbox it allows you to access it on all of your computers, tablets and phones. This means you...

Laptop in Bed

Almost everyone who owns a laptop has spent countless hours cuddled up in bed browsing the internet and chatting with friends and family. It is a guilty pleasure that most enjoy. But did you know it could harm your computer and actually be dangerous? While most of you...

Laptop vs. Desktop

I personally have a macbook pro, where I close the lid and have two monitors, a keyboard and mouse. To me I am using a desktop, but I have the convenience of taking it with me if I need to. Some consumers enjoy the portability of a laptop. Knowing you can take your...


How often do you defragment your computer? If you have a MAC, your in luck, but if you are running a PC with any version of Windows, place close attention. Your PC or laptop should be defragmented at a minimum of once a week. This can be automated where it happens in...