How we are servicing our clients during Covid-19
As Business & Technology consultants, we are prepared for any related challenge that lies ahead of us regarding business in this pandemic. Our clients who are working from home are relying on our services to install, repair and maintain their hardware and software, as well as any social media and web development needs they may have. During this COVID-19 health crisis, we are taking extra precautions to prevent our valued associates and clients from getting sick.
Remote Sessions
Our IT consulting company provides remote sessions for clients who need software repairs, training, & maintenance only. We can connect to their computers and communicate with them remotely. We do not have to risk visiting them, and they won’t have to risk having us visit them. Using remote access software, we can access any computer no matter the distance.
In-Person Sessions
To fix our clients’ hardware problems, we must enter their businesses and in some cases their homes. To protect ourselves and our clients, all of our workers will wear Kevlar gloves when handling their computer equipment and N95 masks. We allow only the minimum necessary number of people onto the property to review and fix the problem. Throughout the session, we will become very aware of our surroundings and not touch any surfaces unnecessarily.
Our Hand Washing and Disinfection Practices
Before putting on our virus- and bacteria-repellent gloves, we wash our hands and disinfect them using hand sanitizer. After our work is finished, we remove the gloves and sanitize our hands again. We dispose of gloves that have already been used, and we will not remove the masks until we have left your property.
Our Safe Payment Methods
Our clients are encouraged not to use paper cash or checks. We will avoid hand-to-hand contact as much as possible. We will accept debit and credit payments on our website. For in-person sessions, we can swipe the customer’s card on our mobile devices.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to expand, our IT consulting team continues to evolve to the challenge. We will continue our daily business operations, but we will make every effort to keep ourselves and our customers safe. Many IT computer issues can be resolved off site, so our clients are advised to log into our website where we can then connect to their computers. We should not make in-person visits if they are not necessary. Our team is available to answer any questions you may have and provide the latest services for your benefit.